1. Majors Interventions of SSKS
2. Bright Future Life (BFL) School
- To promote access to education of children with disabilities & ultra poor on equal basis with others.
- To strengthen livelihood capacities of families of the children .
- To promote access to health care facilities that addressed special need of student.
- To promote Bangla sign language.
- To promote human rights and diversity perspectives of children .
- To provide counseling for parents to raise their voice and to promote parent platform.
- To promote access to sports and recreational activities.
- To promote self advocacy group .
- To protect children violence and abuse at private and public spheres.
- To promote human resource of CWDs through advocacy day observance, orientation and publications etc.
- Pre-schooling
- Established to education for all.
- Sign language
- Alternative support
- Assistive device support
- Health care
- Counseling support
- Recreation (sports & cultural)
- Transport support
Created scope of education of the poor and isolated disabled children
Significant number of students admitted in class Ten at High school
Parents become aware about to send their children in the school
3. Centre for integerated water management CIWM- Project
The main objective of this project is:
To develop quality of life in both rural and urban areas through supplying safe (arsenic & iron free) drinking water.
Specific objective:
1. To ensure environment friendly irrigation and water management.
2. To create employment opportunity.
3. To supply water in irrigation, drinking , horticulture and nursery development, poultry and livestock rearing, aquaculture, food processing and preservation etc. through Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM);
4. To undertake different income generating activities like (irrigation, drinking, aquaculture, horticulture and nursery development, poultry and livestock rearing, food processing and preservation);
5. To ensure RDA credit facility for income generating activities;
Place of this project: Lohagora pourosova , Narail, Bangladesh.
Number of target people: 1250
Now coverage: 350
Others intentions of the project: Supply of safe drinking water in rural areas is a critical problem in our country. In rural areas no subsidy is provided by the government for safe drinking water supply. Considering this issue as a national priority basis CIWM has developed a micro-finance model term as RDA-credit. The main objective of this model is to empower rural people in such a way so that they can become financially self dependent. As a result they can easily pay back the seed capital and water supply charges. To carry out varies income generating activities RDA-credit give support to the unemployed project beneficiaries. This support helps to improve their living standard as well s socio-economic level.
In city areas, water supply is subsidized by the government in order to keep the water charge low. But there is no such provision in rural areas and even it is not possible on the part of the government to provide water in rural areas in a subsidized manner as done in the cities. Considering rural water supply as a national priority issue, CIWM has developed a micro-finance model termed as RDA-Credit. The main principle behind the model is to empower rural people in such a way that they become financially solvent to pay back system installation and water supply charges.
Besides domestic water use, this credit enables rural people to run economic activities like crop cultivation, horticulture and nursery business, poultry, duckery and goatery rearing, adopting dairy, psiciculture, homestead gardening, hotel/restaurant/tea-stall business, small/cottage industries and other IGAs having access to safe water. Thus RDA-Credit is helping rural people in achieving investment capacity to earn additional income, improve standard of their living and boosting up their pay back capability of water for charges. Rate of interest of the RDA-Credit is 11% per annum of which 8% is used for management of credit operations and the rest 3% goes to CIWM.
4. Irrigation for Surface Water Management (ISWM) Project
Surface water resource might be the potential means of irrigation to our agriculture but because of its alternating abundance and scarcity characteristics failed to be a regular and reliable source of irrigation. So, the scientists have no other obvious choice than abstracting sub-surface water for irrigation purpose.
Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogra has successfully carried out experiments in the field of water resources management and development since 1982, especially, in respect of optimum utilization of scarce water resources and has developed a model of multi-purpose use of DTW. The model includes: (i) partial buried pipe irrigation system; (ii) low and medium cost lined channel; (iii) compacted earthen channel; (iv) domestic water supply from irrigation well (v) installation of low-cost DTW with water filtration plants etc.
SSKS, has successfully carried out experiments in the field of water resources development project financed by Rural Development Academy (RDA) Bogura, Local Government Of Bangladesh, in 2016. This project is also action research project in the field of Irrigation and Water Management over the past two dedicates experience of RDA and side by side extension of RDA developed irrigation and water management technology throughout the country for development of socioeconomic condition of the rural.
1. To ensure multipurpose use of surface water for on-farm and non-farm activities at the subproject sites to uplift the lifestyle of the project beneficiaries;
2. To increase the productivity per hectare of land by producing different type of crops in the same land at the same time in different layers;
3. To ensure efficient/economic use of water resources to minimize the irrigation cost and increase crop production by using RDA-developed technology; and
4. To provide training-match RDA-credit for popularizing this technology and increase skill and socio-economic condition of the project beneficiaries.
5. To enhance food production through better Irrigation Management activities (Irrigation Engineering, Irrigation Agronomy and Institutional);
6. To develop quality of life in both rural and urban areas through supplying safe drinking water;
7. To develop capacity building of the Farmer
8. To supply water in irrigation, drinking horticulture and nursery development, poultry and livestock rearing, aquaculture, food processing and preservation etc. through Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM);
9. To conduct training on different income generating activities like irrigation, drinking water supply, aquaculture, horticulture and nursery development, poultry and livestock rearing, food processing and preservation;
10. To undertake different income generating activities like (irrigation, drinking, aquaculture, horticulture and nursery development, poultry and livestock rearing, food processing and preservation);
11. To ensure RDA credit facility for income generating activities;
12. To conduct seminar/workshop.
13. To ensure environment-friendly irrigation and water management.
Place of this project: Vhumordia ,Lohagora , Narail, Bangladesh.
Number of target people: 435
Now coverage: 135
Number of staff of this project: 3
5.1 CTM -Dormatory
SANGATI SHAMAJ KALLYAN SANGSTHA (SSKS) is one of the registered organizations from the department of social affairs in Republic of Bangladesh. It is also a non-political, non-profitable, non-government and right based developing organization. This organization has been working in Kamrangichar since 2001 for the development of dweller’s living of standard. It has been also working for establishing social values and basic rights of disabled and non-disabled people. SSKS has been working for a long time to meet 5 basic needs for the needy people such as Food, Cloths, Education, Treatment and Shelter.
SSKS established a training institute in the name of Centre for Training Management (CTM) in December 2014. Aim of CTM is to meet the needs of training and development of the staff and beneficiaries of SSKS and other partner or network organizations. Trainers and facilitators of the centre are highly experienced and have acquired professional skills through attending both local and overseas training programs. The CTM is located at house #24,, Road # 03, Monsurabad Housing Society, Adabar, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207. It offers a complete package including modest living, dining and training facilities.
Main objectives of CTM are to assess training and development needs of staff and beneficiaries of Sangati, staff of partner organizations and other organizations and improve knowledge and skill of the professionals engaged in these organizations.
This center provides residential facilities for 12 (maximum) participants and a training hall, which can accommodate 30 people.
CTM are successfully operating and receiving excellent commendations from various national and international organizations.Training Center" offers the best because of:
- Homely atmosphere and comfortable
- Safe and secured
- Neat and clean
- Fresh and attractive
- Low cost
- NGO atmosphere
- WIFI with Laptop, Multimedia .
- Satellite TV
- All-time Internet facilitates
- Medium sized rooms for small meeting for group discussion
- White board, soft board, sound systems (By rent). Services available include
- Training
- Dormitory and
- Food facilities
Rate of Accommodation
- 12 Participants can stay at time
- Separate toilets for men & women
- Five seated – 1 Room Rent per nigh 1250 BDT/ person 250 Tk
- Four seated – 1 Room Rent per nigh 1000 BDT/ person 250 Tk
- Three seated – 1 Room Rent per nigh 750 BDT/ person 250 Tk
- If availed AC then additional payment 700 BDT
Food packages
- Package-: (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & 2 times snacks with tea)
- Rate 70+175+175+90=510/BDT
· Breakfast (Porata/Ruti/ Bread - 3 pcs. Vegetable, Egg and Tea)
· Lunch (Fish/Chicken, Vegetable, Dal, Rice, Salad)
· Dinner (Fish/Chicken, Vegetable, Dal, Rice, Salad)
Snacks with tea (Singara/ Biscuit / Cake /Pastry and Tea)
· 10% Service charge (on Venue, Food and accommodation)
- VAT/TAX (as per Govt. rule)
- Check out time: 12:00 am
We try to giving you better service always
Other information for booking bellow in details
5.2 Dormetory
- উন্নয়ন কর্মী/এনজিও কর্মী অথবা তাদের নিকট আতœীয় (বিশেষ প্রয়োজনে) কেবলমাত্র ডরমেটরীতে রাত্রি যাপন করতে পারবেন।
- প্রত্যেক অতিথীকে অবশ্যই তার মূল জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র প্রদর্শন করিতে হবে এবং ফটোকপি অফিসে জমা দিতে হবে।
- একজন অতিথী কেবলমাত্র একবারই জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র প্রদর্শন করিবেন এবং ফটোকপি অফিসে জমা দিবেন।
- ডরমেটরীতে অবস্থানের জন্য অবশ্যই ডরমেটরী এন্ট্রি রেজিষ্টারে নির্ধারিত ছকে অতিথীর পরিচয়সহ মোবাইল নম্বর এন্ট্রি করতে হবে।
- ডরমেটরীতে কতদিন অবস্থান করবেন তা অগ্রীম জানাতে হবে।
- বুকিং দিলে অবশ্যই অতিথী আসুক আর না আসুক পেমেন্ট করতে হবে। কেননা আপনার বুকিং এর কারনে অন্য অতিথীকে ফেরৎ দিতে হচ্ছে।
- কোন অতিথী পরবর্তী দিন থাকতে ইচ্ছা পোষণ করলে ঐদিন দুপুর ১২.০০ টার মধ্যে জানতে হবে এবং টাকা জমা দিতে হবে।
- কোন অতিথী পরবর্তী দিন বুকিং বাতিল করতে ইচ্ছা পোষণ করলে, ঐদিন দুপুর ১২.০০ টার মধ্যে অবশ্যই জানতে হবে।
- পুরুষের সাথে মহিলা অতিথী ডরমেটরীতে অবস্থান করিতে ইচ্ছা পোষণ করিলে, অবশ্যই তাদের নিজেদের মধ্যে সর্ম্পকের প্রমাণপত্র জমা দিতে হবে।
- অনুগ্রহপূর্বক রুমের ভিতরে ধুমপান হতে বিরত থাকুন।
- অনুগ্রহপূর্বক রুমের ভিতরে অতি উচ্চ স্বরে কথা বলা বা গান শুনা থেকে বিরত থাকুন অথবা আপনার কারনে অন্য অতিথী বিরক্ত না হয় সেদিকে সজাগ দৃষ্টি রাখুন।
- ডরমেটরী বাথরুম সর্বদা পরিস্কার পরিছন্ন রাখুন। অন্যের ব্যবহারের উপযোগী রাখুন।
- অতিথীগণ সকাল ৬টায় ডরমেটরীতে প্রবেশ বা বাহির হতে পারবেন, আবার রাত ১১.০০ টার মধ্যে ডরমেটরী প্রবেশ করতে পারবেন। যদি কোন কারনে দেরী হয় তবে এই নম্বরে +৮৮-০১৬৩৯-৪৭৪৪৮৬ যোগাযোগ করতে অনুরোধ করা হলো।
মোবাইল : +৮৮-০১৬৩৯-৪৭৪৪৮৬/০১৯১১৭৩৫৭৬১
টেলিফোন : + ৮৮-০২- ৮১৯০৮৯০
6. Primary Health Care Service
This is an ongoing program of the SSKS that has been underway since 2001. The primary objective is to reduce provide health service to the poor people. SSKS arranged free health campaign at the BFL school campus, Branch office and slum of Adabor area. The health campaign was facilitated by the expert medical officer. Referral services and medicine support was provided to the people. Besides, health campaign was arranged at the community level where health and nutrition message was provided to the community people.
Short term and long term objectives
Long term objective of the project:
Health Rights & status of women, children & men in project area improved Short term objectives of the project are:
• To increase in family planning methods and referrals
• To increase women using health care facilities for skilled delivery and reproductive health care on time
• To improve quantity or quality of reproductive health services
• Availability and access to community based reproductive and ESP health services enhanced on a sustainable basis in the working area
Direct and indirect target groups
Approximately 10000 illegible couples are the direct beneficiaries of the project and 20000 children, adolescent girls and women are the indirect beneficiaries of the project.
7. Nursery Programe
SSKS has a well established nursery at Ati Bazer, Keranigonj, Dhaka. A skill technical person has been assigned for its management. Saplings of different species having timber and ornamental plant are available in the nursery. The nursery has been considered as a source of income of the organization. Some selected students of BFL School are also receiving training from this nursery. SSKS has planned to expand the nursery.
- To produce good quality saplings/ seedlings
- To produce different types of medicinal, ornamental, and forest plants.
- Cost effective sale price to open market.
- To change the life style and to get economic benefit by doing more tree plantation.
- To increase the social a forestation to meet up the national demand of timber and fuel.
- To create opportunity of physical exercise for the disable children Marketing strategy
- Saplings are distributed to the beneficiaries through the Branches of SSKS by cost effective price
- Saplings are sold through the local area. At different places in the open market through retailer.
- At plantation fair
8. Person with disablity programe
Disabled persons have been neglected both in the family, society and country also they are being isolated from any forms of development. The basic rights of the disabled person have been violating in al sphere of their life. Realizing the situation SSKS has been designed a project to promote and protect the rights of the persons with disabilities especially children & women with disabilities as well as to claim and enjoy the rights.
Promoting Self-Advocacy Group:
Self advocacy group was formed considering the importance of the locality towards address the needs of the disabled children. Twelve advocacy groups was formed at twelve different Union of Lohagora upazila on Narail District and worked with district disability welfare committee for implement disability welfare policy 2001 through coordination with disability rights group (another forum of persons with disability). The group members were oriented about their education, life style; perform daily essential activities of an individual. The participants also oriented about different way and methods of personal caretaking.
Campaign on Disability Rights
SSKS is very much aware and sensitize on disability rights and in this regards different action and initiatives were taken towards raising awareness amongst community people. As a part of this, Community Disability and Development Committee were formed with the involvement of local elites aiming to eliminate all forms of discrimination against the disabled children. The committee member was oriented about the basic rights of disabled children in the field of education and other facilities like non disabled children. The committee member made their commitment to stop exploitation and different harassments against the disabled children. Court yard meeting was held at different villages towards creating awareness about the rights of disabled children also provided ideas about the nature of violence and discrimination against disabled children.
As a part of awareness campaign, SSKS observed National Disability Day at Narail and National level. Rally and seminar was organized at Narail in this respect and representatives of SSKS participated at National level.
9. Councelling Program of SSKS
SSKS organized counseling for anxiety, depression, relationship issues, anger management, gender & sexuality issues, grief and phobias, all provided by qualified counselors and psychologists with results & experience. It also provides Counseling with the parents/guardian of disabled children as well as the local elites and chairman & member of local union parishad was an important program of SSKS.
Four type of Counseling organized by SSKS.
1. Anxiety counseling & treatment
2. Depression counseling & treatment
3. Relationship & marriage counseling
4. Counseling with the parents/guardian of disabled children
1. Anxiety counseling & treatment
Anxiety symptoms can be physical, psychological & behavioral. Nature of Anxiety counseling
• Panic attacks
• Racing heartbeat
• Elevated breathing
• Hot & cold flushes
• Sleep disturbances
• Excessive worrying or fear
• Obsessing over unimportant things
• Excessive Nervousness
• Chronic indigestion
• Pronounced muscle tension
• Avoiding social situations
2. Depression counseling & treatment
Depression symptoms may vary from person to person. Some will feel sad, and feeling a sense of hopelessness. Some may overeat and have suicidal thoughts. Another person may feel tired, and get easily annoyed at people, and snap at them without really meaning to. Another person may lose interest in food and in all the things he or she used to find enjoyment in. An older person may be preoccupied with death and dying.
About 10% of people experience depression at any given time. Fortunately, depression is a very treatable illness
• Feelings of sadness
• Loss of interest in activities of daily living
• Feelings of hopelessness
• Feelings of worthlessness
• Feelings of guilt for no reason
• Insomnia
• Sleeping too much
• Crying without cause
• Difficulty concentrating
• Indecisive
• Suicidal thoughts and attempts
• Relationship & marriage counseling
3. Relationship & marriage counseling
Most long term relationship go through highs & lows at various stages. These changes in the relationship dynamic are completely normal and can be caused by any number of everyday circumstances. Problems arise when these issues begin to form a barrier between the partners and that's when effective relationship counseling can help.
• Infidelity in the relationship
• Communication problems
• Sexual issues
• Power struggles in the relationship
• Unresolved conflicts
• Parenting disagreements
4. Counseling with the parents/guardian of disabled children
Different approaches and practices were discussed with the parents about to caretaking of the disabled children. Besides, the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholder were shared to establish the rights of the disabled children in the family and community.
• Mother become oriented about nursing of her disabled child
• Parents become familiar with different type of behaviour and managing system of intellectuals disabilities
• Parents of disabled children united towards establish the rights of their disabled children
10. Election Monitoring
SSKS is a partner of Election Working Group (EWG) collaboration of Bangladesh Manobodhiker Shamonay Porisod (BMSP), Wave foundation, IED and Khan Foundation.Accordingly participated as observer of National Parliament Election & Local government Election in Bangladesh. SSKS effectively accomplished the assignment with good reputation.
The Election Working Group (EWG) is a non-partisan, 29-member national coalition of civil society organizations that share a common commitment to free and fair elections and good governance in Bangladesh. It was established in 2006 and has been working on supporting free, fair and credible elections through (i) Pre-election, Election Day, and post-election observation; (ii) Advocacy on electoral issues and reforms; and, (iii)Civic and voter education and awareness-raising in key thematic areas to encourage all segments of society to participate in the electoral process and promote public dialogue on electoral reform. EWG activities promote greater accountability and integrity among candidates and elected officials, it further encourages the participation of women, youth, and other marginalized groups. Activities also aim to reduce the risk of election and post-election violence.
The guiding objectives of the EWG are:
1. To support free and fair elections through pre-election, Election Day, and post-election observation
2. To conduct voter and civic education in key thematic areas that encourages the full participation of all segments of society in the electoral process
3. To promote electoral reform through public dialogue and advocacy
The National Secretariat of the EWG, headed by a Director, coordinates the day-to-day activities of the EWG on behalf of its members, with oversight from an elected Executive Committee.
Through its wide and varied membership, the EWG has outreach down to the village level throughout Bangladesh, making it an effective network through which to deliver voter information materials and to recruit both stationary and mobile election observers.
Since 2006, the EWG has received financial support and technical assistance from The Asia Foundation. The EWG is grateful for the generous financial support of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), the Royal Danish Embassy, the Royal Norwegian Embassy, the Swedish International Development Assistance (Sida), the Swiss Development Corporation, and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
11. Skill Development Training Programe
SSKS had remarkable steps for improving livelihoods of the underprivileged families of Children. The program contributes for continuing the education of the disabled children. The selected families have been considered as beneficiaries of SSKS and received training for skill development. In this respect training was provided on entrepreneurship development to the family members. SSKS has also provided financial assistance for income generation.
The families of the disabled children were considered for income generating support through fish cultivation, cow rearing, seed distribution, sewing machine, and computer distribution.
Training Centre:
V SSKS has a well setup-training center in the regional office of Narail District. The organization has taken initiatives to establish a modern and well equipped training center adjacent to the head office in Dhaka District. The status of current training center is given below:
SSKS has its expertise in handling different kind of training programs with following facilities:
(i) SSKS has well equipped training centers
(ii) Training modules
(iii) Essential training materials
(iv) Essential training aids
(v) A team of skilled trainers
Area of Training:
SSKS has been implementing different kinds of programs like Agriculture, Socio-Economic Activities, Health & Population and Education. Training is one of the most essential parts for successful implementation of these programs. For achieving the goal and objectives, SSKS has to impart training to the staff as well as the beneficiaries. The program-wise areas of training are mentioned below:
(i) Income Generating Activities (IGA)
▪ Feasibility Study of IGA
▪ IGA Selection and Management
▪ Computer Training (Software &hardware training)
▪ Block & Batiks
▪ Beautification
▪ embroidery
▪ sewing
▪ TV Maker
▪ Freeze maker
▪ Tiles decorator
▪ Carpenter
(ii) Agricultural Training:
▪ Plantation
▪ Social Afforestation
▪ Agro-Forestry
▪ Nursery Establishment
▪ Aquaculture Management
▪ Seed Production Technology
▪ Home gardening
▪ Crop Production
▪ Poultry and Livestock Rearing
▪ Soil Testing
▪ Beef Fattening
▪ Duck & Goat Rearing
(iii) Health and Sanitation :
▪ Sanitation and Hygiene Education
▪ Nutrition Education
▪ Family Planning and Health Care
▪ Awareness on STD/HIV/AIDS
(iv) Policy Education:
▪ Disability issue
▪ Legal Aid Services
▪ Gender Equity
▪ Women Right
▪ Leadership Training
▪ Developed technical knowledge of the family members of the disabled and able children on entrepreneurship development.
▪ Created working, income and employment opportunities of the family members of the children
▪ Family income increased of the selected families.
▪ Create empowerment of the family members.
The program was focused especially for the poor and disadvantages women aiming to protect human rights and create awareness on trafficking. Awareness, advocacy and legal aid support was the key activities of the program. Subject to support the slum dwellers was the main target group of the program. However, the awareness activities were organized with the students of college and school also with the slum dwellers. Seminar/campaign was organized at school and college level for raising awareness on violence, kidnapping, human trafficking and acid violence. Considering the vulnerability and violence against women advisory council on legal aid was formed with the assistance of SSKS and many victims get legal aid support from this forum. SSKS organized rally for creating awareness on social issues related to human rights and trafficking.
Knowledge provided to the slum dwellers women and adolescent girls about different process and techniques of trafficking, legal rights of women, and human rights issues through courtyard meeting. The participants are aware about to protect their legal rights and trafficking. Advocacy was made with different government and local government authorities about to protect human rights and take effective measure against human trafficking especially the women and children. Learning sharing among the cooperative NGOs was held and where different NGOs share their learning that earned during implement different activities also identified some action for prevent trafficking and protect human rights.
Through implementing the project activities the women become more aware about human rights of women and trafficking. The knowledge of the women increased about legal aid. Bangladesh Development Partnership Centre (BDPC) finance by the Project.
13. Community Based Adaptation Program
Project Name:
Empowering Women for Coping with Climate Risks in Selected Areas of Coastal Bangladesh project.
Donor name: UNDP
Project Site : Mirmadan & Purba Alipura village of Alipura Union and Banshbaria & Dhandania village of Banshbaria union of Dhasmina Upazila under Patuakhali district of Barisal division.
Project Objective Restore livelihood options/ opportunities of vulnerable communities by improving ecosystem based adaptation being threatened by climate change impacts.
The Specific objective of the project is:
To improve reliance of community people on agro biodiversity product as a means of livelihood opportunity by restoring ecosystem base services.
Brief Project Description:
The project aims to reduce vulnerability of people living in proposed villages under Dashmina upazila with a focus to promote community based adaptation to cope with the adverse effects of climate change. The Project intends to set up a “Women Resource Center (WRC)” at village level, a unique platform of marginalized women including 18-20 members in each group led by elected women leader from each Women Group (WG) and this platform will create a space for at least 6 to 8 groups. Adolescent girls of marginalized community will have an access in this platform. This platform will create an opportunity for marginalized women to have access and control over resources including agriculture product and means increasing bargaining and negotiation power by giving capacity development support and it will also work to make a bridging mechanism with different service providing organization and CBO for different support related to livelihood, health& sanitation, agriculture and other issues for women. In every steps of intervention, participatory approach will be followed by proper consultation with the targeted beneficiary.
To achieve its objectives the project will establish a seed bank operated by the women group member controlled by the WRC. To sensitize the community as well the government official on related issues, project will organize different workshop/seminar involving community and other stakeholders. The project will look into women reproductive health and child issues. the other focus area will be: increase in household income from agricultural biodiversity products; increase in the number of women occupying leadership positions; ensure excess to resources and access to information. The project will undertake a host of initiatives to support the adaptation activities due to climate change using local resources with support from GO/NGO. Seed grant will be provided initially for operation of WRC and Seed bank. The project will organize training/orientation for women relation to climate change impact to increase copping/adaptation initiatives. It will support to establish networking linkage with other organization/institution so as to share information and exchange of ideas.
Activity/Task | Describe what was done for this activity during this period (1st july to 31th December) |
Staff recruitment and project orientation | Advertisement to bd.jobs, notice board of networking organization and local Union Parishad and email to other NGO’s who are working on this issues .Staff orientation through workshop on this project. |
Project introduction to the Govt. officials, local representative at project location | To inform the objective of the project on climate change for community based adaptation to policymaker leader of the local government (Union Parishad, Pourashova). |
Door to door visit | Door to door visit in the community of the selected village of Alipura union named Purba Alipura and Mirmadan and village of Banshbaria union named Banshbaria and Dhandhania for the selection group member and preliminary discussion to establish seed bank during this time. |
Address the issues on climate change | Organize community based discussion for the community people on this project details and involve them to this project. Assessment and find out the real opportunity for climate risk reduction and their adaptability. |
Ensure Support Service | Community people needs basic knowledge and support of education, health, livestock, agriculture, women affairs etc. Ensure support service from the concerned govt. personnel of this issues during the project period. |
Group Formation | Complete 8 group formation in the 4 villages of the 2 Unions while 2 groups in each village of the project area. 20 members in each group will makes 160 beneficiaries These group formulated through baseline survey, participatory way and a common criteria. |
Opinion Sharing Meeting | Organize opinion sharing meeting with the group member, local policymaker, skilled farmer gardener and others on and vegetable the climate change impact and adaptation issues. |
Group Operational Guideline | Guideline is being prepared to operate group, group member and Women Resource Centre (WRC). Aready a draft opertional guideline has been prepared for operating and guiding WRC and women group of EWCCR project |
Established Women Resource Centre | Established 4 Women Resource Center (WRC) of 4 at Banshbaria and Alipura Union with 40 members in each WRC who will get knowledge, advocacy and services on Health, Livestock, Agriculture and Women Affairs department through existing govt. services. |
WRC Committee has been formulated | Each WRC operated by a elected committee that is elected by WRC members. The committee has been formulated by 5 (Five) members for operating each Women Resource Centre |
Organize orientation for Group Members | Organized 8 (Eight) orientation session for group members addressing to organization profile, project activities, climate change and its impact to sensitized them about the issues. |
Awareness Raising Activities (Signboard) | Prepared a large signboard and set-up at office to sensitize climate change issues among the coastal people as the awareness raising activities. |
Income generating Activities | All of the group members are poor and marginalized people of the project area. Distribute Robi crop seeds among the group member for cultivating homested vegetable garden. The target of this activities as if they can able to fulfill their nutrition. |
Project Advisory Committee | Each Women Resource Centre oriented a Advisory Committee has been formulated in each village of four villages who will support and cooperate to the WRC for all activities as voluntarily. This committee has been formed by 7 (Seven) members including elected women UP member, doctor, teacher, farmer, group member and local elite led by elected women UP member. All PAC has been ensured 50% women participation in each committee |
Support Service Activities (Health, Agriculture etc.) | Members of each WRC are getting information, knowledge, advocacy, services weekly (4 days in a month) on Health, Livestock, Agriculture; home based vegetable gardening, behavior and Women Affairs through project personnel and govt. officials. |
Established vegetable demonstration plot | Establish 20 vegetable demonstration among 60 plots. the group members in the project area. These plot are cultivating gourd and other vegetable crops as the increasing their household income. |
Workshop | Organized 2 (two) workshop at village level in the project area addressing to Importance and Strategy of Women Resource Centre Establish, climate change and other related issues to sensitize among the coastal areas people. |
Training session | Organize a training session in this month that makes 3 (three) session in two months through agri-spacialist on homested vegetable farming and its nursing to the benificiaries at village level. This training can make them able to practice vegetable garden with skilled knowledge. |
VRA Session Conduction | Two VRA meetings were organized involving community people of Alipura and Bansbaria union. In Alipura union, a total of 11 participants (male-5 and female-6) were participated and in Bansbaria union 10 participants (male-4 and female-6) were attended during VRA conduction. The major profession of male participant is agriculture; fisherman and women are mostly engaged with household chores as their agricultural related work is not visible in society. |
Support Service Activities | Members of each WRC are getting information & knowledge, weekly on Health, Livestock, Agriculture, through project personnel and govt. officials. |
Awareness raising activities | Organized an awareness rally to sensitize climate change impacts on the coastal area and livelihood led by project personnel and resource persons with WRC members. The community participated spontaneously in the rally and community gathering. Resource persons shared views and situation on the present climate risk with community about the world and Bangladesh perspectives. |
Nursery Activities | According to the Project Proposal, it has been taken initiatives to establish 4 nursery amoung 5 in each WRC at village level through WRC member who are trained on nursery. Primarily, we support to collect soil and cow-dung for preparing compost and nursery shade. |
This project was selected as a adaptation learning of CBA project all over the World.
SSKS organized sports and cultural program at Dhaka district towards ensure recreation of the students and disabled children. Disabled students were also participated the sports and cultural program. The performance was so much appreciable and attractive. Children having different types of disability have been participated in sports at divisional and national level. Eight children awarded prize at divisional level. Four participants participated at different events of which two participants awarded prize.
Our main Program over the year
• Day observation
• Annual sports & picnic organize
• National Day Observation
• Issue wise rally
• Scope to explore the performance of the disabled children
• Developed linkage with different forum and organization of national level