সংগতি সমাজ কল্যাণ সংস্থা (এস এস কে এস)

Sangati Shamaj Kallyan Sangstha (SSKS)

সমাজের অবহেলিত জনগোষ্ঠীর জন্য সংগঠিত গতিশীল তৎপরতা

Dynamic Activities For The Unpriviliged People Of The Soceity

About Us

Overview of the SSKS :
Sangati Samaj Kallyan Sangstha (SSKS) is an action oriented non-government, non-political and non-profitable development organization which is known as SSKS. SSKS was established in the 2001 with a view to improve the socio economic condition of the marginalized group of the country. It also established social values and basic rights of underprivileged and disadvantage people of the country especially women, adolescent, children and the person with disabilities (PWDs). SSKS is one of the registered organizations from the department of social affairs in Republic of Bangladesh. It is one of the right based developing organization. It has been working for almost two decades years since 2001. Started its activities with its own resources in the community of a small remote slum on kamrangir char of Dhaka District, SSKS has been working in Kamrangichar for the development of dweller’s living of standard. It also working for a long time to meet five basic needs for the deprived people such as Food, Cloths, Education, Treatment and Shelter. SSKS began an Integrated Programmed Approach (IPA) & Organized Dynamic Activities (ODA) for the beneficiaries in the first registered non-government development organization in Kamrangir char. SSKS is currently working in both urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. SSKS is actively working in the development field with a vision to create political, social and economic equal privileged society in Bangladesh and make a democratic, just equitable, and capable and poverty free Bangladesh.

The General body of SSKS is the highest policy formulation body and meets one in a year to review and approve organizational plans, budgets, expenditures, and progresses and also formulate policy decisions and elects Executive Committee (EC) for 2 years. EC comprised of qualified professions of diversified academic background. The EC holds regular meetings to oversee the organizational and program management. SSKS has in-country as well global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to assist people build a better life. SSKS actively participate as member in regular meeting, workshops and seminars; exchange views and ideas, share information and best practices; observe national and international days of action together; review priority issue and recommend practical and realistic solution to problems.

SSKS has a group of well-experienced, skilled and professional core staff having international/national training and exposure in the head office and Branch offices. In addition to it's skill personnel’s a group of experts attached with SSKS who provide necessary consultancy including guideline, policy making etc. Besides its head office located in Dhaka, SSKS has its branch Offices in different parts of the country. SSKS has functional relationship with local and central government. Since its inception SSKS posited itself in the local government system and maintained a functional working relationship with elected local representatives, school teachers, social workers. Over the years it attained experience in diverse arrays of development activities which inter-alia include promotion of primary education of the working children through alternative support, Nutrition support project, Vulnerable Group Development, community health development, Inclusive education, Removing cultural barrier and promoting rights of children with disabilities, Non formal education(hazard children) , Youth literacy, emergency relief distribution, afforestation in the rural areas community base adaptation program , climate vulnerabilities, Climate change adaptation (CBA) Program, public services, legal aid & human right established etc, are the prime program areas that SSKS put enormous efforts. SSKS implemented different projects on health, nutrition, family planning, employment and income generation, non formal education for children and adult, women’s rights, environment, the rights of the person with disabilities, provide legal aid & human right established etc . Supports and Joint ventures with Government of Bangladesh (GoB), different donor agencies and consortiums.
Goal & Vision
Goal of SSKS :
To assist and encourage on the disadvantage and underprivileged vulnerable people of the country for improve and self help development their social, political, economical, cultural, environmental & physical condition.

Vision of SSKS (What is the future of our organization) :
To create political, social and economic equal privileged an inclusive society in Bangladesh and make a democratic, just equitable, capable and poverty free Bangladesh.
Mission & Objective
To create self –financed, self –employed and self-empowered communities with increasing capabilities by need based service & support and following Integrated Programmed Approach (IPA) through Organized Dynamic Activates (ODA) .

Main objective: To enhance the socioeconomic condition of the disadvantaged and underprivileged poor people through undertaking and implementing strategic program with dynamic activities.
Detailed Objectives:
  • To initiate towards promoting social values and basic rights of underprivileged and disadvantage people of the country especially women, adolescent, children and the person with disabilities.
  • To create an inclusive society where people will live together with their own identity and dignity.
  • To assist the disadvantaged and underprivileged poor people for capacity building and skill development.
  • To provide support for increasing household income through Income Generating Activities (IGA).
  • To ensure livelihood and food security of the poor and marginalized groups through improving their income and access to food.
  • To ensure education of the children including disabled and marginalized group.
  • To improve water and sanitation status by giving priority to the women.
  • To improve health and Nutritional status with special emphasis to children and women.
  • To response in relief and rehabilitation activities during disaster period.
  • To aware on different social issues.
  • To work towards conservation of nature and environment.
  • To create employment opportunity of the community people.
  • To work with community people including Person with Disabilities (women, men and children) to establish their civic rights.
  • To transfer ownership of the organization to the beneficiaries.
  • To initiate towards institutional development.

Organizational Structure (Governance)

Duly Approval Organizational Constitution as per Relevant Registration Act, SSKS owns a constitution, which is approved by the respective registration authority. Firstly the General Body of the organization amends the Constitution. So, the constitution of the organization is prepared following all norms and regulations democratically. All activities of the organization are running following the provision of the constitution.

Management Structure of SSKS:
SSKS is operated as per approved constitutions of the Organization. It owns three types of organizational structure like:
  •  General Body
  •  Executive Committee
  •  General Administration
a) General Body:
The general body of SSKS is consisted with all the members. The total numbers of members of the General Body are 33. At least one General Meeting is held annually. General Body approves the activities of the Executive Committee.

b) Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee is elected by the members of General Body. It is consisted by 11 members. The composition of the Executive Committee is mentioned below:
President 01
Vice President 02
Secretary 01
Assistant Secretary 02
Treasurer 01
Members 04
Total 11
The Executive Director plays the role of Secretary of the Executive Committee as per the right of designation. The duration of the Executive Committee is 2 years.

c) General Administration:
The Executive Director is the head of the administration; he is responsible for overall administration of the organization. He is responsible to President and Executive Committee.
Functional Organogram
GB Member


EC Member


Preface President

Message of President

President This gives me much pleasure to develop the new website name: www.ssks2001bd.org of SANGATI SAMAJ KALLYAN SANGSTHA (SSKS). SSKS has been actively participating in development sector aiming with its vision. SSKS has been providing its effort towards create an inclusive society where people will live together with their own identity and dignity. SSKS has been magnificently fighting poverty across the country following Integrated Programmed Approach (IPA) through Organized Dynamic Activates (ODA).

At this moment of designed the website I would like to graciously thank to all my skilled and dedicated colleagues at SSKS. I also pay my gratitude to our General Committee and Executive Committee who are the think tanks of the organization and always played a supportive and constructive role to move forward towards the vision of the organization. Cooperation from different stakeholders of government and non-government sector has fastened the journey towards a positive change in the society. The beneficiaries of all programs and projects actually contributed a lot to own these initiatives and being involved with these.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who were involved in the development of this website and made it brief and presentable. I hope all our stakeholders will comprehend our efforts, as well as the way forward, form this website.

I like to thank the entire team member who developed this website.

Preface ED

Message of Executive Director & Founder

Director We are much pleasure to develop the new website Name: www.ssks2001bd.org of SANGATI SAMAJ KALLYAN SANGSTHA (SSKS). In this year, SSKS to enhance the socioeconomic condition of the disadvantaged and underprivileged poor people through undertaking and implementing various program with dynamic activities both rural & areas of the country. SSKS also saw and overcome a number of challenges in this year. SSKS has been providing its effort towards create an inclusive society where people will live together with their own identity and dignity.

SSKS has sincere effort and devotion for the betterment of disadvantages groups from grassroots to national level through right based approaches. The organization is working with community people including Person with Disabilities (women, men and children) to establish their civic rights. We are pursuing some standard practices used worldwide in the financial sector so that we do not face any difficulty for compliance over the past few years; we have also strengthened our internal control system that ensures accountability and transparency. As per International Accounting Standard (IAS) and Bangladesh Accounting Standard (BAS) requirement, we have brought in qualitative improvement in the audit report this year.

We believe that the development process will continue by mutual cooperation and respect with all of our stakeholders, development partners, networking members, financial institutions and government officials. We confidently assert that all of our development interventions will bring sustainable changed in the lives of our beneficiaries.

I am really proud of SSKS general committee members, executive committee members, advisors, well wishers and staff members who have been putting up sincere effort in building SSKS since 2001. We are mostly obliged to our valuable beneficiaries who have been marching along SSKS with great inspiration.

Finally, I am pleased to seek continuous suggestions and feedback from all of our stakeholders so that we can make meaningful, effective initiatives in future

My heartfelt gratitude and thanks to all of them.

Senior Management


No. Name Designation Educational Qualification Years of Experience Cell No. Picture
1. Lipi Khanam President M.A. & LLB 18 Years 01716618859
2. Md. Basir Ahemad Howlader Executive Director M.Sc. & LLB 17 Years 01973092960
3. S.M . Abul Kashem Director (Admin) M.B.A & LLB 25 Years 01556327617
4. Uttom Kumer Chodhury Director (Finance) M.Com 15 Years 01905044964
5. Muhammad Parvez Reza Director (Operation) M.Sc. 16 Years 01716607321
6. Shanta Akther Sheema Director (Research & Planning) MED 2nd (Indonesia) MED 1St (DU) 10 Years 01796625945
7. A.K.M. Alimuzzan Miah Dormitory In charge B.S.S. 20 Years 0172096289
8. Kazi Nurul Huda Manager (Admin) B.A. 30 Years 01727613998
9. S.M. Tobibur Rahman Coordinator (CIWM Project) B.A. 15 Years 01726504850
10. Archana Mitra Accounts Officer B.Com 12 Years 01952405144
11. Md. Palash Sheikh Sr. Field Officer B.A. 10 Years 01982363660
12. Md. Farid Uddin Manager (Education) M.A. 30 Years 01915729055
13. Md. Jashim Uddin Manager (F&A) M.com 8 Years 01770790609
14. Akidul Islam Sr. Technician (CWIM) Diploma 03 Years 01730937794
15. Md. Hafizur Munshi Sr. Technician (CWIM) Diploma 13 Years 01883776123
16. Begum Monowara Nur Trainer (Education) B.A. 05 Years 01727613998
17. Md.Mofizur Islam Trainer (Skill development) Diploma 17 Years 01863823380
18. Md. Khorsed Alom Head of Service Staff H.S.C. 08 Years 01878703180