This gives me much pleasure to present the annual Report of SANGATI SHAMAJ KALLYAN SANGSTHA (SSKS) for the year 2016-17. SSKS has been actively participating in development sector aiming with its vision. SSKS has been providing its effort towards create an inclusive society where people will live together with their own identity and dignity.
SSKS has sincere effort and devotion for the betterment of disadvantages groups from grassroots to national level through right based approaches. The organization is working with community people including Person with Disabilities (women, men and children) to establish their civic rights.
Finally I would like to thanks all the staff of SSKS for their hard work as well as committed and effective support in implementing the program.
SANGATI SHAMAJ KALLYAN SANGSTHA (SSKS) is an action oriented non- government, non-political and non-profitable development organization which is briefly known as SSKS. SSKS was established in the 2001 with a view to improve the socio economic condition of the marginalized group and established the rights of the person with disability. The organization was registered with Department of Social Welfare since 2001. Since its beginning SSKS has been working with the person with disability for improving their livelihood and address their basic needs. The organization has been providing its support and services in the field of poverty reduction, health care, nutritional support and education of the poor and disadvantages group. Considering the needs of the people and period of time, SSKS has expanded its range and dimensions.
The organization has been operating different development activities independently as well as through developing networking and linkage with other development organization. SSKS has effective network membership with MAAPSI Bangladesh (ii) Association of Development Agencies of Bangladesh (ADAB) and (iii) Jatio Shanchalon porisod.
SSKS has been registered with Social Welfare department of Bangladesh: The details information as below: i) Directorate of Social Services, Govt. of The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh under Social Welfare Activities (Registration & Control) Act 46 of Ordinance 1961 vides Registration No. Dha-06431 on dated 11 December 2001
Organizational Goal: “To assist & encourage on the disadvantage vulnerable people of the country for improve & self help development their social, economical, cultural, environmental & physical condition.”
“In the direction of a structured society, ensuring socio-economic and cultural improvement, sustainable environment and self reliant of the disadvantages groups”.
Vision statement:
Institute a favorable environment for the poor and vulnerable people, especially the women, children and disabled in the society, where they will survive with peace, justice, dignity and practice their democratic rights also participate in social development activities.
Mission statement:
Extend the assistance to the distressed and vulnerable community towards make capable and efficient for self help development with special emphasis to the women, children and person with disabilities.
Specific Objectives of the organization:
• Institutional development
• Promotes livelihood and food security of the poor
• Promote and protect the rights of persons with disability
• Ensure primary education of the children including disabled and marginalized group
• Economic development of the poor, marginalized and persons with disability
• Improve water and sanitation status giving priority to the women
• Improve health and nutritional status with special emphasis to children and women
• Responses in relief and rehabilitation activities during disaster
• Increase household income through micro credit
• Awareness development on different social issues
• Conservation of nature and environment
Access to Education and Promoting Inclusive Education
Different initiatives had been undertaken towards promoting and ensuring access to education of disabled children. Motivation was done at different level as a pert of advocacy and awareness program. In this respect meeting was held with school management committee and total four meeting was organized with four school management committee. Different issues related to education rights of the disabled children like; admission in the school of the disabled children, created favourable environment in the school, ensure participation in recreation and ensure other facilities for the disabled children. Aiming to enrolment and mainstreaming the disabled students in to formal education institutions both primary and secondary school had been included under inclusive education program. Scholarship was provided among the selected students for continuing education. Meeting was organized with the community leader and parents for sensitizing about the education rights of the disabled children in the school and changes the attitudes towards the disabled children.
Campaign was held both at school and college level to aware and sensitizes the non disabled students about inclusive education through providing their assistance to the disabled students. Teacher orientation and sensitizing meeting with primary school management committee was organized towards ensure support of disabled students as well as idea sharing about disability supporting teaching method. SSKS ensured home base therapy for the disabled students and provides knowledge to perform their daily living activities.
SSKS has also operated special program on promoting sign language which created an opportunity for students having speech and hearing impaired on learning sign language. In the reporting year approximately 100 children/, lokokendra (a local resource centre) and other different forum based in locality also staff of SSKS becomes familiar on sign language.
Scholarship and MunniMunni Akter is girl of 12 years having speech and hearing impaired. She looks very charming and innocent face. Munni lives in a very poor family but talent in all respect. Poverty remain exist at the every layer of her family which resulting break off her study after completing class two. At this time Munni informed about the support of SSKS’s project for poor and disabled student and accordingly she contacts with field worker of SSKS. After knowing the story of Munni SSKS had extended support for continuing her education through providing scholarship. Now Munni is a student of class four. Though she is continuing her education but creates some problem due to unavailability of sign language teacher. She felt the absence of a sign language teacher. Munni have competence in the field of sports and game also. Munni awarded prize at national disable sports competition. Besides education, Munni wish to prove her competence in the areas of sports and game. Munni expressed her feelings that
An association namely Shafall (which was formed with the involvement of disabled students especially the scholarship holder students) worked actively for ensuring the education rights of disabled student. The program has following achievements:
• Ensured education rights and opportunities of the disabled students
• Increased number of disabled students at school
• Ensured enabling education environment of the disabled students
• Ensured family support for the family of disabled students and support for continuing education of disabled students through providing scholarship
• Attitudes changes of non-disabled students and teachers towards disabled students
• Reduced discrimination against the disabled students
Livelihood Strengthening
SSKS had remarkable steps for improving livelihoods of the families of Children with disabilities. The program contributes for continuing the education of the disabled children. The selected families have been considered as beneficiaries of SSKS and received training for skill development. In this respect training was provided on entrepreneurship development to the family members of disabled children. SSKS has also provided financial assistance for income generation.
The families of the elected children were considered for income generating support through fish cultivation and cow rearing.
• Developed technical knowledge of the family members of the disabled children on entrepreneurship development
• Created working, income and employment opportunities of the family members of the disabled children
• Family income increased of the selected families of the disabled children
• Create empowerment of the family members of the disabled children
Golapi: A name of victoryGolapi begum who is 14 years old having speech and hearing impaired. Her parent is very unhappy due to her disability and for this reason golapi brought up with minimum or less affection by her parents. Besides, poor economic condition and social superstition added new dilemma in her life. Golapi expressed her desire to her parents for going to school but her parents didn’t show any interest. Golapi become more frustrated also hopeless. Once golapi informed that a NGO named SSKS operating a school where disabled children have equal opportunity for education and no education fee will be required for this purpose. Golapi then go to her neighbour mate Sima (who is the students of this school) and seeks assistance for getting admission. After two days visited the school with Sima and expressed her interest to the school teacher. The teacher had taken necessary steps for her admission. Golapi found very happy and attend the class regularly. Once Golapi observed that there is an opportunity for vocational training in the shool. Golapi shows her interest and accordingly she received training on handicrafts. Golapi started sewing in a minimum scale with her learning knowledge and technique. Due to efficiency, her product become popular in the locality and the demand of the product increased among the people. Now Golapi simultaneously continuing her business and education and contributing her parents through paying money. At the moment Golapi is s name of success also she is now a hope of her family instead of burden.
Improving Life Skill
SSKS provided assistance to the poor disabled children through medical services and referral services. Different type’s of assistive device was provided among the poor disabled children. Wheel chair, standing frame and white cane was distributed among the selected disabled children. Air bed was distributed to a child having physical and intellectual disabilities. Under referral services, significant children having cleft lip, cleft foot and other forms of abnormalities were referred to Child and Mother Health Care Institutes, Matuail, Dhaka Child Hospital and Dhaka Orthopaedic Hospital. As a part of surgical support, SSKS provided financial and logistics support for operation. SSKS also ensured follow-up after operation. A primary therapy service brings remarkable change among the children as well as parents.
The following issues might be considered as the achievements of the program:
• The poor disabled children get support for better treatment
• The parents of the disabled children informed about the appropriate platform for the treatment of their children
• Ensured better health services to the disabled children
• Reduced unwanted sufferings of the parents
• Ensured comparatively easy and comfortable movement of the disabled children
• Parents become familiar about to nursing of their disabled children
• The disabled children are capable to perform their daily activities
Orphan children: RabbiRabbi, a name of an innocent orphan child who is 8 years old but the name is linked with a tragedy. Let’s come to listen the tragedy story of Rabbi. Immediate after taking birth of Rabbi, his father knows that the child is disabled having cleft leg. Pointing the issue Rabbi’s fatter become angry to his wife and told that this is her fault. The issue creates a problem in the family and finally within a very closest time Rabbi’s father divorced his mother and got second marriage. After that Rabbi goes to his grand mother’s (maternal) house with his mother. Within the year rabbi’s mother pass away fro the earth. Rabbi doesn’t know what he lost. After his two years he is growing up with the caretaking of his grand mother. Here need to be mentioned Rabbi’s grand mother was widow and a beggar. Within in the increasing the age of Rabbi, knowledge of understanding becomes raised. There is a primary school near to rabbi’s home and he observed that some children regularly go to the school. Rabbi shows his interest to his grand mother about to going to school. Once grand mother go to the school and discuss with the teacher but didn’t get any positive response. The SSKS project staff informed the subject and accordingly taken initiatives. SSKS ensured his admission through discuss with the teacher and management committee. SSKS also provided a wheel chair to Rabbi. Now Rabbi regularly going to school and he can read 50 percent alphabet both bangla and English.
Counseling with the parents/guardian of disabled children as well as the local elites and chairman & member of local union parishad was an important program of SSKS. Different approaches and practices were discussed with the parents about to caretaking of the disabled children. Besides, the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholder were shared to establish the rights of the disabled children in the family and community.
• Mother become oriented about nursing of her disabled child • Parents become familiar with different type of behaviour and managing system of intellectuals disabilities • Parents of disabled children united towards establish the rights of their disabled children
Case Study: Primary care therapy and Sumi AkterSumi Akter of six years old girl lives with her parents at kamrangir char. Sumi is physically disable and can’t move independently. Sumi’s father Iqbal Hossain is a labour who work in the mill and mother Soyeda Begum worked as a housemaid. Sumi’s parents become stressed due to sumi. Day to day their frustration become increased and gave minimum attention to sumi. Consequence of it, sumi treated as a burden on the family. Once sumis father informed about the support of SSKS for the disabled children and he communicate with the organization where he informed about the service for the disabled children. After returning at home, Iqbal discuss the issues his wife and accordingly received orientation on primary care therapy. Sumi’s mother knows the technique about the therapy by using parallel bar. As a support of SSKS’s project Sumi received a walker frame. Sumi’s regularly practiced physical exercise with the assistance of her mother. After some days Sumi independently able to doing exercise and walk by using parallel bar. Now Sumi is not a burden of her parents and she is a regular student of Sandhipawn Inclusive School.
Promoting Self-Advocacy Group
Self advocacy group was formed considering the importance of the locality towards address the needs of the disabled children. Two advocacy groups was formed at two different villages of sadar and palash upazila and worked with district disability welfare committee for implement disability welfare policy 2001 through coordination with disability rights group (another forum of persons with disability). The group members were oriented about their education, life style; perform daily essential activities of an individual. The participants also oriented about different way and methods of personal caretaking.
• Build self-confidence of children with intellectuals disabilities
Campaign on Disability Rights
SSKS is very much aware and sensitize on disability rights and in this regards different action and initiatives were taken towards raising awareness amongst community people. As a part of this, Community Disability and Development Committee were formed with the involvement of local elites aiming to eliminate all forms of discrimination against the disabled children. The committee member was oriented about the basic rights of disabled children in the field of education and other facilities like non disabled children. The committee member made their commitment to stop exploitation and different harassments against the disabled children. Court yard meeting was held at different villages towards creating awareness about the rights of disabled children also provided ideas about the nature of violence and discrimination against disabled children.
As a part of awareness campaign, Gram Bikash observed National Disability Day at National level. Rally and seminar was organized at Dhaka in this respect and representatives of SSKS participated at National level.
• Community support ensured to the disabled children
• Reduced social and family discrimination
• against disabled children
• Awareness developed amongst the mass people about disability rights
• Changes peoples attitudes towards disabled people
• Knowledge developed about caretaking of disabled children
• Awareness increased among the people about autism
Community attitudes towards disabilityMd Shafiqul Islam, a children having cleft leg of Tengor para village. His father is a rickshaw puller and mother is a beggar. Shafiqul is unable to walk and he moves with the help of his mother. People call him as langra and khora. Before starting the activities of Gram Bikash there was a lot of story like this. Not only this, the people thought disability is a course. The issues had taken in to the consideration of the field staff of SSKS. Accordingly the respective staff discussed in the court yard meeting and aware the people about disability issues. SSKS staff also formed Community Disability and Development Committee (CDDC) and arranged meeting to stop such types of discrimination against disabled children. Now the people attitudes changes towards disabled children with the cooperation of the CDDC and through awareness raising of community people. Now, disabled children like; Shafiq doesn’t insulted by the society people.
Sports and Cultural Program
SSKS organized sports and cultural program at Kamrangir char in Dhaka district towards ensure recreation of the disabled students and children. Disabled students were participated the sports and cultural program. The performance was so much appreciable and attractive. Children having different types of disability have been participated in sports at divisional and national level. Total 18 children participated in this regards. Eight children awarded prize at divisional level. Four participants participated at different events of which two participants awarded prize.
• Scope to explore the performance of the disabled children
• Developed linkage with different forum and organization of national level
Promoting Rights of Women with Disabilities (WWD)
SSKS is very much sensitized and supportive to the Women with Disabilities. The organization commenced different development approaches towards development and improvement the livelihood of the disabled women through reflects method and disability CIRCLE development. SSKS organized different training and meeting for improving the efficiency of the CIRCLE facilitators. Moreover, SSKS has facilitated for self reliant of the member of the CIRCLE through creating opportunities of income generating activities.
SSKS facilitated to identify different need based issues as an action point under this program. During reporting year SSKS addressed some social problem like; dowry, domestic violence, divorce, legal rights of disabled women. The organization provided legal aids to the victims as well as conducted awareness program. SSKS assisted for capacity building of the circle member towards establish their basic rights and protect violence against women. SSKS conducted advocacy with the local government body and other service providing agency for ensuring the legal rights of the disabled women.
• The local disabled women become more aware about their basic rights
• Increased the involvement of disabled women in income generation activities
• The disabled women are more organized and united to solve their problem
• Reduced discrimination against disabled women
• Attitudes of service providing agency found positive to the disabled women
Reorganizing Institution Based Governance to Redress Handicapping Traditions Existing in the Society (RIGHTS PLUS)
From a long ago, the disabled persons have been neglected both in the family, society and country also they are being isolated from any forms of development. The basic rights of the disabled person have been violating in al sphere of their life. Realizing the situation SSKS has been designed a project to promote and protect the rights of the persons with disabilities as well as to claim and enjoy the rights. The project was implemented with the following objectives:
• to strengthened the movement of the persons with disability at district level under the leadership of a group of persons with disability
• to involve the persons with disability in planning designing and monitoring of development program at the district level
• to activate district disability authority
• to establish and ensure the basic needs of the persons with disability that declared by the government
SSKS provided dynamic effort towards achieving the above objectives and undertaken effective initiatives to implement the project. As a part of the project activities a committee was formed for the persons with disability namely “Disability Rights Group (DRG)”. The committee includes both male and female having physical disability, visual disability, parents of intellectual disability, and speech and hearing impaired. A reputed journalist was nominated who worked for awareness raise among the mass people through reporting in the daily and local newspaper. Different issues related to the rights of the persons with disability as well as the activities of the DRG were published in the newspaper.
DRG was more functional and performed their activities in satisfactory manner with the assistance of SSKS. The member of the committee sit together twice in a month and discuss different rights related issues. Problem and probable action was also discussed in the meeting.
The project brings remarkable changes in the society as well as in the life of disabled persons that might be considered as impact of the project and accordingly some points has been highlighted:
• Positive attitudes of the government officials to the disabled person
• The persons with disabilities are more organized and united about their rights
• District disability development committee are sensitized on disability development
• District disability development committee found active to implement Disability Welfare Act 2001
• Created opportunity of disabled persons in transport service by free /half fare
• Created positive atmosphere for person with disabilities at school and College
• Enlistment of the persons with disability in the voter list
Health Care
This is an ongoing program of the organization that has been underway since 2005. The primary objective is to reduce provide health service to the poor people. SSKS arranged free health campaign at the Kamrangirchar . The health campaign was facilitated by the expert medical officer. Referral services and medicine support was provided to the people. Besides, health campaign was arranged at the community level where health and nutrition message was provided to the community people.
Human Rights Development and Awareness on Trafficking
The program was focused especially for the poor and disadvantages women aiming to protect human rights and create awareness on trafficking. Awareness, advocacy and legal aid support was the key activities of the program. Subject to support the slum dwellers was the main target group of the program. However the awareness activities were organized with the students of college and school also with the slum dwellers. Seminar/campaign was organized at school and college level for raising awareness on violence, kidnapping, human trafficking and acid violence. Considering the vulnerability and violence against women advisory counsel on legal aid was formed with the assistance of SSKS and many victims get legal aid support from this forum. SSKS organized rally for creating awareness on social issues related to human rights and trafficking.
Knowledge provided to the slum dwellers women and adolescent girls about different process and techniques of trafficking, legal rights of women, and human rights issues through courtyard meeting. The participants are aware about to protect their legal rights and trafficking. Advocacy was made with different government and local government authorities about to protect human rights and take effective measure against human trafficking especially the women and children. Learning sharing among the cooperative NGOs was held and where different NGOs share their learning that earned during implement different activities also identified some action for prevent trafficking and protect human rights.
Through implementing the project activities the women become more aware about human rights of women and trafficking. The knowledge of the women increased about legal aid.
Lokokendra is a forum where people both male and female have easy access for membership and worked voluntarily in a self motivated manner. In the year 2008 lokokendra addressed some social issues like; protect child marriage, protect dowry through involving the community people. Also lokokendra conducted awareness program on health, nutrition, education, sanitation, HIV/AIDS and other social issues. The forum has as adolescent forum that is supposed to implement different awareness program. Lokokendra have tremendous success and able to brings remarkable changes in many areas. In the year 2008 Lokokendra observed different national and international day. The forum had remarkable effort towards admit the disabled children in the school and reduced social discrimination against disabled persons.
The following issues may be pointed as the impact of the activities of Lokokendra:
• The trained participants engaged themselves in income generating activities
• The adolescent forum played vital role for established inclusive society
• The form was success to arrange marriage without dowry.
Income Generation Activities
From long ago SSKS has been operating Income Generation Activities for the wellbeing and livelihood improvement of the marginalized groups both female and male including disabled.. The program has been implemented following savings program and credit support.
• Savings program: This is the first steps and most important part of income generating activities. So far approximately 1213 targeted people both male and female have been organized under 60 savings groups and their accumulated savings size is Tk.5 lac. The amount is being revolved for operating income generation activities by the group members.
• Credit support: SSKS creates employment and earning opportunities for the organized group members through providing skills training and credit supports. The program is being implementing both for women and men. In the year 2014 total 5 lac taka had been distributed ranging amount of taka 2,000.00-5,000.00 .. Significant number of beneficiaries found self-employed through cow rearing, cattle fattening, poultry rearing, vegetable gardening, sewing, food making (chanachur, cake), packet making etc.
Awareness Program
From the incepting of the organization SSKS has an especial emphasis to conduct awareness program on different social and nationals issues. Accordingly in the year 2014 SSKS has organized and conducted different awareness program. Rally, seminar, folksongs and campaign were the major intervention in this respect. In the reporting year SSKS organized the awareness program on sanitation, health and nutrition, safe water, prevention of HIV/AIDS, arsenic etc. Besides SSKS observed different national and international day like;
i. International disability day
ii. International mother language day
iii. International women day
iv. National sanitation day
v. Safe motherhood day
vi. National girl child day
vii. International HIV/AIDS day
Election Monitoring
SSKS is a partner of Election Working Group (EWG) and accordingly participated as observer of National Parliament Election 2008 held on 29 December 2008 at three constituency of Dhaka district. SSKS effectively accomplished the assignment with good reputation.
Nursery Program
SSKS has a well established nursery at its regional office campus. A skill technical person has been assigned for its management. Saplings of different species having timber and ornamental plant are available in the nursery. The nursery has been considered as a source of income of the organization. SSKS has planned to expand the nursery.