Successively General Secretary or Executive Director

Md. Basir Ahemad Howlader
Year: 1999-2014
1st Founder General Secretary or Executive Director of SSKS : Md. Basir Ahemad Howlader – B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc, LLB- Former Head of Enterprise Padakhep Manabik Unnayan Kendro (PMUK). Former Director Gram Bikash Sahayak Sangstha (GBSS)

Lipi Khanam
Year: 2014-2018
2nd General Secretary or Executive Director of SSKS : Lipi Khanam MA. LLB Former teacher Lohagora Pilot High school Narail.& Director of SSKS Narail. Former Director (Finance & Admin) Gram Bikash Sahayak Sangstha (GBSS) and She also work at Padakhep Manabik Unnayan Kendro (PMUK).

Md. Basir Ahemad Howlader
Year: 2018-2020
3rd Founder General Secretary or Executive Director of SSKS : Md. Basir Ahemad Howlader – B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc, LLB- Former Head of Enterprise Padakhep Manabik Unnayan Kendro (PMUK). Former Director Gram Bikash Sahayak Sangstha (GBSS)
Overview of the SSKS
Sangati Samaj Kallyan Sangstha (SSKS) is an action oriented non-government, non-political and non-profitable development organization which is known as SSKS. SSKS was established in the 2001 with a view to improve the socio economic condition of the marginalized group of the country. It also established social values and basic rights of underprivileged and disadvantage people of the country especially women, adolescent, children and the person with disabilities (PWDs). SSKS is one of the registered organizations from the department of social affairs in Republic of Bangladesh. It is one of the right based developing organization. It has been working for almost two decades years since 2001. Started its activities with its own resources in the community of a small remote slum on kamrangir char of Dhaka District, SSKS has been working in Kamrangichar for the development of dweller’s living of standard. It also working for a long time to meet five basic needs for the deprived people such as Food, Cloths, Education, Treatment and Shelter. SSKS began an Integrated Programmed Approach (IPA) & Organized Dynamic Activities (ODA) for the beneficiaries in the first registered non-government development organization in Kamrangir char. SSKS is currently working in both urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. SSKS is actively working in the development field with a vision to create political, social and economic equal privileged society in Bangladesh and make a democratic, just equitable, and capable and poverty free Bangladesh.
Successively President

Professor Dr. Wahiduddin Mahmud

Professor Dr. Md. Kawser Ahmed

Engineer Khairul Anam Chowdhury

Sayed Ashraf Ali

Lipi Khanam